Thursday 17 January 2013

Evaluation of second photo-shoot

Evaluation of second photo-shoot

My second shoot went better I think. Beforehand, I planned a series of light setups and worked through a few of them which I thought had the most potential. I got the best results by just using a beauty dish set at a slight angle. Here are my best results, and the setup I used.

I had a flash to light the background, a beauty dish facing the model, positioned above their head. I also had a reflector for a few of the pictures positioned under the chin to the left.

I am happy with/ the way that my pictures turned out, especially with the one on the left because of the soft look that has been achieved by using the beauty dish. I considered using a defused reflector to light the left side of his face but then I thought that I would lose the shadow under his neck which I liked because it helped to separate his head from the rest of his body. The one picture that I wished I had used a reflector with it the one on the right because this would have reduced the impact of the shadow under his eye which is caused by his finger. Despite this I quite like it.

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