Thursday 17 January 2013

Evaluation of the first photo-shoot

Evaluation of the first photo-shoot

I am quite happy with the way that my first shoot went, especially with the time period that I was allowed on the day and the lack of experience I had at the time. In this shoot I tried to create some images in a similar style to Martin Schoeller. I realise that I didn’t take my pictures in a passport style, as he does, but I did try to use low contrast lighting. This is the lighting setup I used.

 It’s easy to see that I didn’t really succeed with my attempt at creating a low contrast image because you there is still a lot of definition in the face but however I am happy in the way that they turned out. I like them because they are an honest representation of the model which was a trait of Martin Schoeller and they’re a good first try with a new camera. To make a successful image I needed to add a light to the setup which should have been facing the camera and placed behind the model.
This has been a good learning experience and I feel much better about using the equipment. I will definitely try to use the low contrast lighting again but I think I will try to learn some more techniques.

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